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Pros: Lectures and Classroom Teaching

Over and above the general benefits outlined above, lectures and classroom teaching are claimed to have some quite specific benefits to university students (and to tutors). These include and understanding that lectures can:

  • enable large amounts of material to be presented reasonably quickly to students.
  • be specifically targeted to the needs of a particular audience or topic.
  • be given to large numbers of students at the same time
  • offer the opportunity for tutors to model certain behaviours such as academic reasoning
  • appeal to those who prefer to learn by listening or find interactive sessions more challenging.
  • develop a student’s note-taking and listening skills
  • provide an excellent medium through which lecturers can “sell” the joy of a particular topic or subject. Enthusiasm can be infectious.
  • provide an opportunity to expose students to the input of external specialists or experts

In addition, tutors:

  • are able to control the learning experience, which may have benefits at key times in a course.
  • can expand on key themes and support students in reflecting on core texts and other learning content.


Are there different ways in which lectures and classroom teaching can be delivered?

Is attendance compulsory or optional in your organisation, and should it be?

What alternatives to face to face lectures and classroom teaching might be offered? How might this enhance or detract from the learning experience? What are the pros and cons of alternatives to lectures in the light of the course objectives and aims of the institution?

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