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Toolkit of Further Resources: SpLDs

The following resources are external to the SCALE Project. They were identified and reviewed by the project partners and felt to be high quality and useful resources to add additional support to the materials included in the project. The project team cannot take responsibility for the content of external sources but share the links in good faith to provide additional support and resources. Web sites open in a new tab.


Creating a Dyslexia Friendly Workplace

Advice for Adults in Education

Sytuacja studentów z dysleksją i możliwości jej zmiany (The situation of students with dyslexia and the possibilities of changing it)

Dysleksja. Przewodnik dla dorosłych – on-line book (Dyslexia: Adult’s Guide)

This book is part of the ENABLE PROJECT (Leonardo Include Project) a pan-European project sponsored by the European Union

Nowe trendy w diagnozie specyficznych zaburzeń uczenia się: dysleksja i zaburzenie językowe SLI (New trends in the diagnosis of specific learning disorders: dyslexia and specific language disorders)

Dyslexia in the Classroom: What Every Teacher Needs to Know

Tedx: Dyslexia – Dispelling Myths

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