Module 10: Online Learning
What do we mean by online learning?
Online learning which is sometimes called “distance learning” is pretty much what it says – learning through accessing teaching, materials and support online as opposed to face to face. Some courses are delivered entirely online whereas increasingly many courses have elements of online and face to face provision.
Online, distance and e-learning would normally refer to courses that are delivered entirely online.

Synchronous Online Learning
Here the tutor and students will interact online at the same time. Students and lecturers interact via text, video or audio chat.
Asynchronous Online Learning
Content here does not necessarily need to be accessed in real–time. Students are provided with content, tasks and assignments and are given deadlines for completion of each. Interaction can be encouraged via discussion boards, blogs, wikis and social media.
Most higher education courses with online elements are likely to involve what is known as blended learning. These hybrid courses support both face to face / in–person and online interaction.