- SCALE - https://scale.wp.worc.ac.uk -


Summary: Group Work and Presentations

What do we mean by group work and presentations?

Group working in all its forms can be seen as a valuable way to engage students in discussion and debate, building and reinforcing understanding and ownership, generating new ideas and overcoming misunderstandings. Group working helps to develop key skills such as critical thinking, communication, facilitation, presentation and decision-making.

Likewise, presentations enable students to showcase their presentation design skills, condensing complex arguments into coherent and bite sized oral and visual content. Presentations also illustrate a student’s communication skills and understanding of audience. The audience may be a tutor, other students or invited guests.   

Benefits of group work and presentations

Over and above those outlined above, group working offers the following benefits:

Some of the general concerns and issues

Students may face difficulties in group working situations in a number of ways:

Students may face difficulties in presentation situations in a number of ways:

Points for reflection